Gotta be Politically Correct...

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shi ke nan (It's finished)

Hey everyone,
   So I have some news. Peace Corps Niger has gone through an evacuation which means that all of us PCV's are finished with their service in Niger, and the program has been postponed until it is deemed safe enough for the PC to reenter.  We were evacuated  because of some kidnappings which lead to murders and heightened activities and threats of Al Queida in Niger.  All of the PCV's from Niger are safe and are only hurt in our heart-felt sorrow for the Nigerien people that will suffer more than anyone from these actions.
   All volunteers were evacuated to Rabat, Morocco which is where I am currently residing.  PC Morocco has spoiled us and we've been stationed out of a really really nice hotel with lots amenities that we're not used to.  After a few days of debriefing and sessions about what happened, closing out our assignments in Niger, and what options we have available to us now.  I have chosen to travel around some while in Africa and the opportunity presents itself and will then return back to the states where I'll look into what options I will be available to me next.
   Thank you all for your prayers and support for the time I've been in Niger and just as much the time leading up to my departure.  I hope to see and talk to all of you when I get back. 
    So, obviously, don't send any more letters or mail or anything to me in Niger because I won't get it.


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