Gotta be Politically Correct...

The contents of this blog do not reflect the opinions of the US government or Peace Corps.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


5min update.  I missed my 1st flight out of Indy which was bad, but it did calm my nerves a little bit and I got got spend some time with Mom, Dad, Josh, and Becky while waiting for the 2nd flight.  I got to my staging in Philly to make a 'grand' entrance as the 43rd (last) member of our team going to Niger.  The group is a good mix and we're all anxious and nervous to get there; it's nice to be around others with the same desires as what I've had for a while now.  We're all meshing quite well and everyone seems to have an interesting and fun personality about them.  I'm anxious to spend the next part of our training together.  We will fly out today and arrive in Niger tomorrow.  Hope you're all doing well. Thank you for all of the support and encouragement, it's very much appreciated!  Love you all and peace to you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog #1: Niger

I have been accepted as an Agro-forestry agent with the Peace Corps and will leave Oct. 20th, 2010 for a 27month placement in Niger, Africa.  I am both excited and nervous as I'm only ~1 day away from that date.  I want to say thank you very much for all of the support and encouragement that all of you have shown me.
I'm new to this blogging thing but I'll do my best to keep things updated and hopefully in an organized manner on here.  I hope to also post pictures because they're worth 1000 words right, but currently my 'new' camera is not working propery, which is quite annoying, but we'll see what comes of it.  Hope you enjoy and that I can keep you informed as I take off on this adventure.
